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Meeting Agenda for September 4, 2024

Time:           18:00

Location:     Ken Walkers                                                     4318 Cheyenne  Dr.

  1. Agenda:

  2. Review of August 7th meeting minutes

  3. Officer’s reports

    1. President/Vice President

    2. Treasurer

    3. Account balance

    4. Revenue/expenses

  4. Secretary

  5. Project Lead Reports

    1. Web site

    2. Food drive

    3. LVFA apparel

    4. Adopt-a-Road

    5. Spaghetti Dinner planning

    6. Scholarship Program

  6. Ongoing business

    1. Fundraising

      1. Bingo

      2. Grants

      3. Donations

  7. New Business

  8. Next meeting:  October 2nd

  9. Adjourn

Minutes of Meeting September 4, 2024

Meeting called to order at 6:04 by President Moore

Minutes approved as read by Dave, 2nd by Lisa

Vice President Report - no report

Presidents’s Report - The projection we are on regarding scholarships and equipment is looking good towards grants. Dave will contact Erin O’Keefe Feiner and Larkspur Elementary regarding Bobcat Kids, and how many will need food at Thanksgiving.  We are getting lots of positive feedback on everything we’re doing..

Treasurer’s Report:  Heather McDaniel made a $250.00 donation to purchase the tee shirts.  We also received a donation of $500.00 from the Cochran’s.; We received $665.00 at the food drive - $500.00 was designated for the Scholarship Fund, $165.00 for food.  LVFA wrote a check for $750.00 to the food bank for restocking.  $70.00 for the plaque for M.R. Hauling.  Jim will present this at the Spaghetti Dinner.  We now have $14,316 in the Scholarship Fund.  Ed moved to accept the Report, Dave 2nd.

Secretary’s report - no report

Website:  Darrell reported that everything was up to date.

Food Drive - Jim reported that it was successful, but we did not receive as much food.  Jim would like to have one more on November 9.

Apparel - Dave reported that we spent $1646.25 on 100 shirts, 21 hats.  We will have a shirt and hat at the Spaghetti Dinner raffle.

Adopt a Road - Stephanie set up the 29th September to clean.  We will have the Boy Scouts, their parents, and a piece of fire equipment there as well.

Spaghetti Dinner - Kay reported that we will serve meat and vegetarian sauces, spaghetti, salad, rolls, cookies and cake, water and iced tea..  Ken will buy sauce makings and spaghetti, Kay will purchase the rest of the items needed.  We will aim to feed 180 - 200 people.  Volunteers, please be at the Spur by 3 PM.  We will have Smokey, the Bear on site.  Jim and Bob will take money, and Jim will set up bid numbers.  Mindy will do the bar.  Wayne will bring the trailer to the Spur by 3 PM.  The raffle and Silent Auction will be set up in the back room by Ed and Debbie, with some help from Sharon Sutton.  Wayne, Jeff, and Ken will call for donations.  Wayne and Jeff will handle publicity, including an article in the Sentinel.  Volunteers:  Kay, Ed, Wayne, Jim, Bryan, Dave, Scott, Ken, Patty Nygaard, Jane Moore, Suzanne, Grandson Lee, Deb.  Kay will ask for people to choose jobs at the next meeting.  She also asked that all members ask people they know with businesses for donations.

Scholarships - Jim reported that we have 2 solId applications.  The committee will meet 19 September for approvals.  Jim will offer scholarships 2 times a year - Spring and Fall - but we will be flexible if we have money and applicants.  Winners  will be announced by 1 October and at the Spaghetti Dinner.  He will also give an LVFA appreciatiion plaque to M. R. Hauling.

Fundraising - Bingo on hold.  Grants:  Wayne will follow up.  We’ve been getting lots of donations because of the emphasis on the Scholarhip Fund.  Jim will follow up with Walmart.  Wayne said there has been no answer from the Yogi Bear Campground.

New Business:  The Autumn Arts and Crafts Fair will be 21 and 22 September.  LVFA is not involved this year.  Tree Decorating will be Saturday and Sunday November 23 and 24.  Tree lighting is December 7.  Jim moved for LVFA to provide hot chocolate , Lisa 2nd.  M. R. Hauling will provide the cookies.  There will also be a giving tree set up with potential donations for Bobcat Kids.

Peggy reported that our long-time wreath maker for the fire equipment has died. so there will be no decorations for the engines.

Lisa moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:13


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